"The AARHON brand was born in 2015 under the influence of high fashion universe, electro and hip-hop.The concept is to offer the perfect mix of fashion designers codes for a contemporary audience, eager to an urban style.Our Vision: clothing must be comfortable, versatile and rewarding.To achieve this, we mingled daring cuts, and challenging designs.A AARHON® outfit will always daring but mastered!Our inspirations come from what is becoming trend in the London suburb of Tokyoites sharper modes.The brand AARHON Was Born in 2015 under the impact of the universes of Haute Couture, electronica and hip-hop.The concept is to offer the perfect mix of the codes of the great couturiers for a contemporary audience, desiring of a Urban style.Our Vision: A garment must be comfortable, versatile and rewarding.In order to accomplish achieve this result, we-have mixed bold cuts, and provocative designs.An outfit AARHON® will always be daring, aim mastered!Our inspirations come from what is trendy London suburbs to more The Most pointed of the Tokyo modes. "